• All previous accounts which have not undergone XenForo license validation will now need to under go XF license validation before they can buy/renew or to download any more resources. This affects all users of this site, as the (regeneratable) license token was not captured. Verify Your XF License here : https://mpm.pm/account/xenforo-license

Recent content by JustinHawk

  1. JustinHawk

    Paid Registrations

    It's a private addon. If intrested in purchasing feel free to DM me. Thanks
  2. JustinHawk

    [J] Forum List Tabs - Version 1.3.10 Patch Level 4

    Added support for [TH] Nodes addon.
  3. JustinHawk

    [J] Forum List Tabs - Version 1.3.10 Patch Level 1

    Addon is now compatible with XF 2.3. PS: This version of addon is only compatible with XF 2.3
  4. JustinHawk

    [SL] Forum Enhancements - Version 1.0.1

    Added feature to allow use bbcode in FAQ answer!
  5. JustinHawk

    [SL] Forum Enhancements [Paid]

    JustinHawk updated [SL] Forum Enhancements with a new update entry: Version 1.0.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. JustinHawk

    [SL] Forum Enhancements 1.0.1

    1. This addon allows you add Forum's FAQ below Thread List page of forum. Each forum's FAQ can be configured separately 2. Allows you have a separate forum description on thread list/ Forum View and node listening page inside a category.
  7. JustinHawk

    [SL] Forum Enhancements [Paid]

    JustinHawk submitted a new resource: [SL] Forum Enhancements - Allows you to FAQ and different description for node list Read more about this resource...
  8. JustinHawk

    Username Styles and Rich Usernames - Version 1.0.1

    Now compatible with older version of MYSQL -- 5.7.1
  9. JustinHawk

    Username Styles and Rich Usernames

    Watch this video to see the styles! https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/33642606?key=1f061fa1fcef0c40e40f469768bafd21
  10. JustinHawk

    Paid Registrations - Version 1.0.2 Patch Level 7

    Updated the code to don't allow bypass via connected accounts!
  11. JustinHawk

    Paid Registrations

    JustinHawk updated Paid Registrations with a new update entry: Version 1.0.2 Patch Level 7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. JustinHawk

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools - Version 1.3.4 Patch Level 3

    Added lazy load classes for the icons!
  13. JustinHawk

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools - Version 1.3.4 Patch Level 2

    Fixed category icons
  14. JustinHawk

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools - Version 1.3.4 Patch Level 1

    Addon compatibility update for XF 2.3 Some feature like icon preview will not work because currently core addon update is pending!
  15. JustinHawk

    [TIC] Rate Media - Version 1.0.1 Patch level 6

    Fixed bug when images are deleted Improved design as per the request Made changes to make images look better.