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[J] Auto Complete Location 1.4.0

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  • Author JustinHawk
  • Creation date
  • Featured
    • You can download only 0 resources in 24 hours
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This version is currently not tested by me!
  1. Updated templates and conditionals that were requested!
  2. Added option to allow users to input their required field
  3. Fixed Various other issues and bugs reported.
Updated templates and fixed issues reported by @RobinHood

PS: Update your type value to "(cities)" else you it will not work.
Added option to fill location field using browser location API. This feature use bigdatacloud.com API in to convert coordinates into user location.

Consider making a donation for support :)

  • Added option to auto fill location using visitor ip on registration page
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Reactions: GameNet
Updated template modifications and added option to remove branding if you have bought branding removal you can tick that option to remove branding
Updated options name and template names

  1. Everything starts with j_acl as prefix
  2. Also made some changes so that users need to select value from dropdown list for location field.
Thanks to user who tested this addon for me on latest version of xenforo :)
Fixed some issues with previou version and now also you can use it with one custom thread field
Added option to use it for a custom user field as default location field is having limitation of 50 words
download (2).pngdownload (1).pngdownload.png