• All previous accounts which have not undergone XenForo license validation will now need to under go XF license validation before they can buy/renew or to download any more resources. This affects all users of this site, as the (regeneratable) license token was not captured. Verify Your XF License here : https://mpm.pm/account/xenforo-license
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[J] Registration Auto Introduction Version 2.1.1

No permission to buy (€15.00)
  • Author JustinHawk
  • Creation date
  • Tags
    introduction registration
  • Featured
    • You can download only 0 resources in 24 hours
    • You need more than 0 posts to download the resource
Visible Branding
Compatible XF versions
  1. 2.x
Addon tested on
v2.1.8 Patch 2
License: You may not redistribute or resell the Software in whole or in part .
Updates duration: 6 months

This addon is basically designed to post a thread or post when a user signup.

How to use ?
User need to create an custom user field and select that field in options. below are screenshot of my settings.
Screenshot_2 (1).pngScreenshot_8.pngScreenshot_7.png

On registration page it will ask user for introduction

Screenshot_4 (1).png

Options Available :

Forum Selection
User field selection
Thread State : Visible(Default), Moderated, Deleted.
Minimum Length for text
Thread Title
Thread Reply User : You can set a bot user to automatically reply to the posted thread.
Thread Reply Template

Live Demo : https://mpm.pm/register/

Register and check :)
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Reactions: GameNet
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Last update
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More resources from JustinHawk

Latest updates

  1. Bugfix

    Fixed bug with thread posting
  2. version 2.0.1

    fixed bug related to thread reply
  3. Version 2.0.1a

    Added option to post introduction in a thread